I made some FREE PRINTABLES to help Goofy understand Larger than & Smaller than. He had a lot of fun with them, loved the crocodile as the symbol, and caught on quickly! Just click on the image to download Crocodiles Eat the Biggest math worksheets (suitable for ages 4-8).
We did a slew of fun, educational worksheets with the cutest Peter Pan clipart! My kid LOVED the Peter Pan Preschool Pack from Homeschool Creations! This may have been our favorite so far with letter tracing, pre-writing skills, which one is different, find all the “Hh”s, shapes, measuring Big Ben, beginning sound clip-on, number puzzle, rhyming, patterns, graphing, and so much more!
I found coloring sheets, mazes, word finds, and online games – all FREE at Funschool.
Click to download - Tick Tock Clock Game (Complete game with 5 clocks)
Click to download - Tick Tock Clock Game –Expansion Pack (10 more clocks)
I originally created Tick Tock Clock to be played by rolling a photo cube dice with inserts included in the free printable. But here is another fun way to play! We played it with Peter Pan music and moved around the ‘game board.’ When I stopped the music they needed to tell me what time the clock said they were standing on. For Goofy (6) it was just practice, but for Minnie (3) it was making learning fun! This video is from the end of the first day, by the end of the week Minnie was a pro! Tinkerbell just enjoyed watching the excitement around her. Take a peak…We made Big Ben (the famous London clock in the Peter Pan movie) and practiced working with a clock some more. I would tell Goofy a time and he would move the hands to make Big Ben reflect the correct time. The face of the clock is from a clock activity in Homeschool Creations Peter Pan Preschool Kit. For the clock I used an empty linguini pasta box, wrapped in brown construction paper. I used black cardstock to make the hands and a bard to attach them in such a way that they would move. The top of big ben I made from black cardstock. It is a prized project he now keeps in her room!
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