So it should come as no surprise to you that I actually enjoy writing our Christmas letter too! I like reflecting back on our year and making sure we were intentional enough with the time we had. I love seeing how the kids have grown and changed from year to year too!
As you may or may not know, my parents were missionaries. So my Mom wrote a lot of prayer letters over the years. And although my Mom wrote beautifully and tried to keep them interesting, to me they were always a bunch of words on a page that I would have never read. So when it comes to writing our Christmas letter, it will never be boring words that are easy to just glance through! Every year I try to come up with a new way to put on paper what we did & who we were the previous year. To give you an idea, here are the last five Christmas letters I wrote:
- Word find
- Cross word puzzle
- Scrapbook looking letter with descriptions using the letters of our names
- Recipe (both one of our favorites to eat & then our year written up like a recipe)
- 12 Days of our family (2 teeth Minnie had at Christmas time, 10 times we went to the zoo, etc.)
I hope that even if you don’t usually send out a letter or a card that you consider sending at least a few! And if you get Christmas cards, try saving them and using them as a tool in the discipling of your children: teaching them to pray. If you have a great idea for a Christmas letter I’d LOVE to see or hear about it! Please leave me a comment!
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