My sweet Minnie is turning 3! Who would have thought all those cuddles, hugs, smiles, and fun would culminate to her being three so soon!!!! Minnie is a BIG princess fan so I let my wheels start turning & here is the finished product. It was a little over the top, even for me, but the expression on her face was priceless!
The invitation were scrolls I made that read like a royal proclamation. We hand delivered them so they wouldn't get squished.

I decorated the room with hundreds of purple balloons in sections on the ceiling. In the alternating sections was sparkly pink tulle with white Christmas lights under. It made the room look so cool & the lighting was amazing. It really gave it that WOW feel when you walked in. It is hard to really explain how beautiful it looked and the pictures don’t do it justice. But for all you visual out there here is a close-up of the ceiling.

The birthday girl was dressed in a sleeping beauty dress (her favorite color!)
The royal guests all came dressed up too. We bought vinyl room makers (the wall back-drops) off of eBay that really added to the ambiance (plus they are reusable!) I sewed chair covers for each of the attending princess thrones from clearance material I found. They even had their names on each of their thrones. There was a royal carpet leading up the the thrones. Our little princess felt like royalty!
During the party the princesses made crowns, painted their nails, played musical magic carpets (on our princess hopscotch squares), and a Princess version of Duck, Duck Goose.
Here is the food table. I also sewed the table cloth & covered it with more sparkly pink tulle. I had a punch fountain I got for my birthday filled with pretty pink punch.We had chips served in a carvable pumpkin that I made into Cinderella's carriage. The chip dip was in one of Cinderella's glass slippers. I made crown PB&J sandwiches using a crown cookie cutter for the kids & used food gel to make jewels on the crown tops. I served Aladdin Magic Carpets (Chicken salad on open faced pumpernickel), and Ariels' Jewels (jello jigglers cut in jewel shapes).
Here's the cake I made using the Wilton cake set. I thought it came out so cute! We even used cake safe sparklers to make it look like fireworks over the castle. She thought it was GREAT!
It was truly a magical party not just for our little princess, but for us too! Before the party the King (Daddy) and the Birthday Princess danced. It was too precious for words.
It was definitely special, memorable, over the top, and fun. But hey - she only turns 3 once, right? And again the cost was in time, not really much $.
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