Me & Christian Schools
Let me tell you about my schooling experience. I went to school at Evangelical Christian Academy ( a wonderful school for missionary kids in Madrid, Spain. There were only 8 kids in my graduating class & we still keep up from time-to-time. We were taught all the disciplines by some wonderful, caring teachers. There was a real sense of community among the students and lots of opportunities for involvement: Newspaper, Student Council, yearbook, Drama, French Club, Photography Club, National honor Society, Ensemble singing group, band, etc. I did go to public school for 3rd grade when we were on furlough. I don't think I learned a lot academically, but I did realize that not everyone was like me: Christian with a two-parent household.
Our Choice to Homeschool
So back to our decision. Several years after boldly proclaiming that we would NOT be homeschooling we had our first child, Goofy. I never realized I could love anyone as much as I loved that sweet, precious, innocent life God had blessed us with. And then, God started tugging on me about homeschooling.
So during my sons naps and early bedtime I read and read and read. I poured over every book I could find on the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling & public schools. I seriously read about 100 books his fist year of life. Then one day I sat down and told my husband that I agreed, I thought we should homeschool. I wasn't crazy about it.... but I knew God was speaking very clearly to me. It was a whole foreign concept to me. My parents were both educators, my Grandma was a teacher, my sister & her husband were teachers, my mother-in-law & sister-in-law were teachers, and I really thought growing up that I was going to be a teacher - so this was completely out of my comfort zone.
During my sons 2nd year I began reading about what homeschooling looks like, how to homeschool, ideas for homeschooling, etc. I started getting excited about homeschooling. I could do this. This could be fun.

So even though it isn't the right choice for everybody, it is the only choice for us. Homeschooling is a calling; one I do not take lightly. So weather you are homeschooling or not, feel free to join us on our journey. Learn from our mistakes, be inspired by our ideas/creativity, and remember - no matter what schooling choice you choose - it is a choice!
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