Breaking News
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Info Post
How many of us know that God can heal, but don't really believe he will?  Whether it's a lack of faith, a realist saying God doesn't usually heal like that so doesn't expect it, or just doubt that creeps up.  If we're honest, we've probably all felt that at some time or another.

Recently I was blown away by the tragic circumstances of a friend from high school. She is pregnant with their 3rd child and after her ultrasound by a specialist was told this child had bilateral renal agenesis, which simply means that the baby has no kidneys. Since kidneys are necessary to produce urine and the baby is not doing that, there is almost no amniotic fluid surrounding the baby; this means that the lungs haven't and won't have a chance to develop properly. In addition, the babies heart is over enlarged and is not pumping blood properly, a condition which is often related to renal agenesis.  This is a fairly rare condition, and the doctor told them there is approximately a 50% chance of the baby surviving in utero until full term, and no chance at all that he will survive more than a day or so after being born. They choose not to abort despite the doctors promptings.

Now I'd like to think I would handle that type of news with grace and lean on the Lord, but I'm not sure. My friend, however, has drawn closer to God. She surrounded herself with an army of believers to pray. She wasn't praying for a miracle (although I was), she was praying for God's will. What a hard thing to say & mean! She knew (like we all do) that the baby would actually be better off in our heavenly Father's arms instead of hers. She desperately wants to hold, love & care for the child, but wants to serve & obey God more. I was so deeply impacted by her faith & how she completely left it in God's capable hands. Wow!

I continued to pray for complete healing, knowing God could do anything. But honestly, I doubted he would choose to heal this baby. I don't know if it is because we see fewer miracles now or that we just attribute them to modern science, but I kept praying. I believe in the Bible & the power of prayer!

Yesterday, 3 months after the tragic news, I was drawn to tears again. My friend gave news that God had healed the baby completely!  In the past 3 months, specialists have been consulted & additional ultrasounds have taken place and they all came back with the same sad, tragic results. But yesterday, the ultrasound (and subsequent ones performed by specialists) showed 100% healing. The doctors and specialists are baffled, the parents rejoice, and we all attribute this miraculous healing to the only one who can do such marvelous acts - our Heavenly Father!

My faith has grown immensely though first their joyful submission in hardship and then in the miraculous healing of this child. I know we grow through tough times; not just our own struggles, but that of those around us. I can't help but wonder how many others involved have grown too! The medical professionals who know that instant, miraculous healing cannot be attributed to anything they can explain. Those of us praying, doubting if God would heal. And all of us who saw the strength, courage, and joyful submission of my friend. Her submission to God's will as not only sovereign, but best.

I hope I will not ever forget. I hope this will forever change me. I hope this changes you too.



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