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Saturday 16 February 2013

Info Post


Early morning!

The alarms goes off around 5am so I can try and get my workout in before the girls get up. I hit snooze and went back to sleep but only for a few minutes before Mary is in to get me up. Off to the potty to fight with her about going and start laundry. Once at laundry realize I did not finish from the day before.


Check email really quick and then workout with my side kick. Several potty trips with Mary and then work on getting Rose out of bed. After check on Rose a few time I do dishes, start breakfast and get Rose's lunch for school ready.

Later morning

Take Rose to school and head back home to do some email checking and posting on Facebook. I check the laundry and get it ready to switch. Then I head to check my schooling stuff for the day. I know that I did not change it the night before.


2 hours of schooling time with my two at home (Preschool and under). They work independent for a while and then I help them on their Mom Help sections. Mary starts on her new ABC program and Amelia works on Bob Books printables. Both also do Valentines Printables. We finish up the day with a fine motor activity.


I work on some more laundry with the small hope that I'll get it done and put away. Note the laundry is almost always around and that is why pictures are never taken in that direction. We tend to do 10-12 loads of laundry a week.


Lunch and afternoon

A quick lunch for the girls before I head off for errands. Errands take me longer than expected but I get back in time to get Rose off the bus. No blogging time put in. (Normally this is where I get most of my printables done.) Help Rose with her homework and read then get everyone ready to go to Gymnastics. At gymnastics I write on pieces of paper all the ideas I want to do or blog about. I have 4 notebooks that float around the house full of ideas. Some that happen some that don't.  I’ve gone through 15 notebooks this year.


Dinner and Bed time

Get home from gymnastics to do dinner. Then hope that all three girls will eat what is presented for dinner – usually meat, pasta/rice and veggies. Then I get all the girls bathed. Then we start the night time routine of reading books to each, brushing teeth, and 5 trips down for water and then glow sticks if they have earned them.


Post Bed time for the girls

Try and finish the dishes so I don't have to do them the next day. Most days I just go to bed about 8:30, but every now and then I work on printables or watch TV {Fringe, Anime, or something on Netflix} with my husband. I head off to bed and read at least 15 to 30 minutes before falling asleep.

By: Cassie who blogs over at 3 Dinosaurs 

Side note: Cassie just celebrated her 1 year blogaversary! YEAH! So pop on over and leave her a note and make sure to check out her amazing number and quality of {free} printables!  Get ready to be WOWED!

What is your day like?

Would you like to contribute to A Day in the Life of Another Mom? We’d love to read about your day! This series will be ongoing as long as there are people willing to give us all a glimpse into their lives. If you would like to share A Day in Your Life please email me your day to livinglifeintentionallyblog (at) Feel free to include picture (s). I will let you know promptly when it will be posted. (If you have a blog please let me know as I will include a link to your blog in the post.)


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