If you are like me, you do what you can to make learning FUN!! My sun is not a big fan of spelling so I came up with this simple activity to make taking a spelling test FUN! (He asked to take another test =-)
On a flat box (or chalkboard or dry erase board) make a curvy road that leads to a “garage” with 20 spots. Tell your child the spelling word and have them write it (you can number them and practice following directions or simple math problems too). If they write it correctly give them a thumbs up.
Your child can then drive & park a car over the correctly spelled word.
Goofy only missed one out of 20 words! I was so proud ….. and most importantly SO WAS HE!! We did practice the word he missed 5 times and included it with the next weeks spelling words. Goofy has asked to do this again and again =-)
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