I wanted to make a fun way for Goofy to practice/learn sight words. So as we were having an I is for Insect week - I made a Bug Reading Game. He had a LOT of fun & got lots of great practice too!
I made bugs for Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. Print them on cardstock, cut apart the squares.
Put them in a bag, or if you have a bug catcher like we did – use that! I got ours at the Target dollar section!!
Then on your turn draw a bug. If you read the word correctly you get to keep it. If you get a bee you get stung & you ‘drop’ all your other bugs. You now have 0. The object is to have the most bugs at the end of the game. HINT: If you have kids in multiple ages try printing the bug cards on different color cardstock so children will pick the correct color (difficulty) words.
Download the {FREE} Bug Reading Game by clicking on the game image here:
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