Did you know this blog has about 1500 views a day?!? As the blog continues to grow I am trying to grow & adapt with it. So here are a couple things I wanted to chat about =-)
- Please consider following the blog on GFC. I do not send messages & you won’t get spam! It allows me to show our actual readership (about 1500 a day) versus the 160 that have “joined the blog”. Why do I care about the numbers? Well, numbers that more accurately reflect our readership will help me get better Giveaways for you!!
- Did you know I’m on Facebook? My Facebook page is not just a duplicate of the blog! On Facebook I share other ideas I find, tidbits, and get a chance to interact with you all more – if you like. So would you consider “liking” me =-)
- Have you entered the My Memories Software Giveaway yet? You don’t want to miss the chance to get your hands on a FREE copy (plus FREE $10 in digital downloads). It surprised me by how ‘beefy’ it is & you will find it useful for not only scrapbooking, but cards, homeschool projects, and other crafty projects. If you have trouble figuring out the Rafflecoter just enter in the comments section – one comment for each entry. Hurry – it ends 10/10!!

- Did you know at the top of every individual post pages I have special quick links for you? Printables Page, Sensory Bins, Five in a Row Units we’ve done, My Father’s World units we’ve done, Do you know my Friend?, and a quick link to our TGIF Linky Party filled with hundred of wonderful ideas a week (great for browsing & linking!)
- Sharing is Caring! If you like what you read I’d love to know. It is always nice to know someone is reading & your comments are a HUGE source of encouragement to me ~ THANKS! I am working to try and get my reply section to work so that you will know when I reply to your comments. Sorry, I am not very code savvy & am having some technical difficulties =-) You can also share a post by clicking on the Sharing is Caring Widget any way you want to share it underneath the post. Feel free to grab a button to share too! You can also “Like” the post at the very top by the title. Simple & easy to you, but lets me know you read & liked what you read. Thanks for sharing ~ I love my readers!!
- If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, things you’d like to see more of, etc. – please shoot me an email at livinglifeintentionallyblog@gmail.com I’d love to hear from you!
Popular Posts You May Have Missed
As we are getting new readers every day I wanted a chance to highlight some of the most popular posts, just in case you missed them =-) ENJOY!
- Roll into Geography! – Free printable game that will help your kids be able to name & locate our 7 continents.
Number Trains – is a fun way to learn & practice Math with your 3-7 year olds. There are a variety of engines: 1-10, 1-20, 1-200, Counting by 5’s, Counting by 10’s, Odds, Evens, and more. You build the train by picking the engine you want to learn/practice and then having your kiddos add the correct number cars.
How to Make an Apple Pie & See the World (FIAR) – Our 2 week long row through this great book was a highlight for us too. This post is packed full of great books, activities, and recipes. Plus included are 7 FREE lapbooks (England, France, Italy, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Vermont, Apple Pie) & FREE tickets/passport download for any creative play activities.
Measuring Bugs – is a fun way to teach & practice using a ruler. A reader gave a great tip – they used the printable & made a lapbook out of it.
Hoppy Frog Math – is a fun way to reinforce adding number 0-20. Each frog math problem is put on the correct sum lily pad.
Ode to a Bucket – My reflection on learning to really care about what my husband has an interest in. To care enough that I see the value of it too. There are more posts like this of my personal thoughts, feeling, and reflections under the THOUGHTS tab in blue at the top of the page.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party – Goofy’s 6th birthday party. Post includes menu, games, decorations, and more! There are more birthday party ideas under BIRTHDAY by clicking on the blue tab at the top of the page.
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