It’s that time of year when we start to make our lists and check them twice. It’s the time when we show those around us we care with a tangible token of our love and affection. So, as you requested, here is my
REVISED: BIG Christmas Idea List. Every item I recommend we either own or have had extensive time playing with it at someone else’s house. Just click on any item to see more details, pricing, and other reviews on Amazon. If you do decide to purchase an item I recommended on Amazon, please click below to purchase it as I get a small advertising fee that helps offset some of the time I spent compiling it ~ Thanks =-)
DVD’s Music
Christian Radio Drama CD

Bible Ideas (Why not give your kids a gift that will help them grow in character and love of our Lord Jesus Christ?!)
Our Favorite Books (for LOTS more wonderful book picks check out my reviews in the
Good Books tab on the blue header)
**Any Book from this now out of print series – Value Tales. They are wonderful!!
For kids 6+. You can find them on Amazon & ebay both as single books or lots.
Gifts for Mom & Dad

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