I came up with this game to help my kiddos be able to identify vowels. I want them to understand that you need vowels to build things. There is no word in the English language without a vowel! (Note the title of each picture shows the vowel shape used to make the word!) This game will also reinforce shapes, colors, and use great math skills. If I do say so myself, I think this is a pretty awesome game!
What’s included?
Instructions, Photo Stacking Blocks (dice) Inserts , 6 shape pictures, Vowel Shapes
Playing the game:
- Roll the dice to see what vowel shape you get. Ask your child, “What vowel did you get?”
- Pick up the vowel shape you roll (if you still need it) & place it on your picture.
- Keep playing until somebody finishes their picture – they win!
- You can all do the same picture
- For younger children, you can play without mentioning the vowels & simple play with colors or shapes
- You can play non-competitively: if you already have the vowel shape you rolled you can give it to someone else. Keep playing until everyone’s picture is completed
- For older children, you can have children build the picture without building right on the template to make it harder!
Cute, huh? Let me know what you think!! I love comments & feedback!
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