We started off Goofy's Kindergarten Social Studies the way most kids in public schools do, through expanding horizons. That basically means kids are first
- He drew pictures of himself, his family, his birthday party, his house, and his friends. He wrote his name, age, address, favorites, and phone

We made his fingerprints & talked about how no one else has ones like his - God made him special & unique. But God knows everything about

We read books suggested by Social Studies Through Children's Literature: An Integrated Approach. These are both excellent resources. I love how People introduces that people look different, dress differently, live in different homes, and have different preferences - WONDERFUL! Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl is a wonderful look at a day in this Pilgrim girl’s life. Wonderful pictures and simple text really help you to see what life was like for her.
- We talked about how we have a nuclear & extended family. We looked through our picture books, talked about our family, and….
We made a family tree. We went back to his Great-Great Grandparents (1867). We used Bingo Markers to make the leaves. (These are a fun, versatile tool that enhance the art experience. )
- We talked about the importance of family. How God created families. (Deut 5:16, Prov 1:8, Col 3:20, Gen 1:27-28, Eph 5:23, and with the example of Jesus who was also born into a family)
- We read books suggested by Social Studies Through Children's Literature: An Integrated Approach. I really liked Always Gramma that tells a sweet story about a granddaughter who teachers her Gramma how to read.

We had a Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt
We read books on neighborhood – Don't miss Where Do I Live? that shows the expanding horizons up through the milk way galaxy. Another good one is In Coal Country that tells the story of a community of coal miners – very interesting!

- Made a list of what is in our community / city
- Made an Errand List to do in our community (i.e. mail a letter, buy milk, get gas for the car, get a haircut, take sister to ballet lessons, get a book from the library, go to the doctor, put money in savings)
- Used dress-ups & puppets to role play community helpers.
- Did Who Can Help worksheet (cutting, pasting practice)
Field Trip
- Met Paramedic & explored Ambulance
- Met Garbage Collector & Explored Garbage Truck
- Met Snow plow driver & Explored Plow
- Met Police Officer & sat in Police Car
- Met Firefighter & explored Fire truck
- Met Mail Carrier & saw inside of USPS & UPS truck
- Explored various Farming Vehicles
- Explored various helper trucks: tree cutter, apple picker, steam roller, dump truck, etc.
- Wrote Firefighters a letter (and got a letter & goodies back from the Fire Chief!! It was VERY exciting)
- Graphed favorite city parks
(click to see post with more details)
- Read Books about Community & Community Helpers
My Favorites (Consider Owning):

Check these out from your local library:

DVD's to check out:

Plus we worked on Spanish Vocabulary for Me, My Family, My Neighborhood, My Community, and Community Helpers. You are welcome to download the 3 sheets of vocabulary & the vocabulary practice sheet by clicking on the image below. It is for your personal use. Feel free to share my site with anyone you like, but please don’t link them directly to the download. Thanks!
Hope the resources & ideas are helpful! I figure why reinvent the wheel, right?!
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