Our society seems to take marriage about as seriously as pair of jeans. Your spouse is like your favorite pair. You love them, they make you feel good, it works, and you are happy for a couple years. Then, for any number of reasons you decide you really don't like them that much, you might keep the jeans in case you change your mind, but once you are sure that there is something 'better' out there you split. So Sad!
Besides the many societal impacts that has, I was thinking how sad that our marriage vows mean so little. If you are like most of us your vows went something like this:
"I take you to be my spouse. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer of poorer, until death do us part."
Notice our vows say nothing about as long as I am feeling valued, good, or happy. In fact, it says the opposite - for better or worse till death do us part! I wish more people saw marriage as final and less like an everyday choice to stay married.
I think if we saw it more as an absolute we could then focus on making our marriages good, strong, solid, and happy. But it takes work and commitment, and so many people want to just get out when the going gets rough and start over - as if that is going to solve all the problems.
We are very blessed to come from homes where our parents are still happily married - 34 years and going strong. Only 1 in 5 make it that long! I am also proud to say that my husband shares my view on the sanctity of marriage.
But we choose to accept each other for who we are. We realize that the reason we are together is as much for our differences as for our similarities. Can you imagine if we both had the same temperament? God knew what he was doing putting the gas pedal & the brake together! God knew what he was doing putting together the emotional and the logical. God knew what he was doing when he put together our strengths and weaknesses so we would be stronger together. God knew what he was doing when he gave us many similar interests - interests that we can enjoy pursuing together for a lifetime.
"Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Mark 10:9
We hope we are so fortunate as to be living in good health when we celebrate our 50 years! We will work hard to be intentional about loving each other so that we will be in that 5% that make it for the long hall!
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