Have you discovered What’s in the Bible? yet. I’d imagine if you’ve been around my blog for any amount of time you have. I love this wonderfully fun, educational, and heart warming series that gives my kids an in-depth look at what is in the Bible!
What’s in the Bible Volume 10 will ALWAYS have a special spot in my heart!
Before I get into the details of why I love this, I wanted to tell you personally why this video means so much to me. My daughter Minnie is 5 and we have family devotions, go to Wed night Awana at church, are involved in Sundays School on Sunday, and actively talk about our faith in our home . She has an amazing depth of knowledge but had never made a decision to surrender her life. I have offered many open ended discussions but am careful about not pushing her – it needs to be her decision and not one she makes just to please me. There was even an invitation at Awana a couple weeks back where Minnie came home and explained things mater-of-factly to us but still no decision. I received What’s in the Bible Volume 10 in the mail to review so we sat down with a bowl of popcorn to learn, laugh, and share it together. At the end of the 2nd episode Phil Visher gave an invitation to accept Christ. To my utmost joy Minnie turned around and said she wanted help because she wanted to accept Christ as her Savior right now! Such a joyous day in our life!

- Great for the entire family: tots, preschool, kindergarten, elementary age, parents & grandparents. Each level will take something different away from it, but each will enjoy and learn from it!
- Chronologically and Systematically goes though the Bible - Old Testament (Volume 1-9) and New Testament (Volume 10+)
- Real Depth - Even as an adult with a Bible degree I learned some things! Seriously!
- FUN! – This series is fun to watch! My kids love the puppets, songs, puppet stick theatre, pirate, and even the Star Wars spoof =)
Volume 10: Jesus Is the Good News is the story of Jesus found in the gospels (first 4 books in the New Testament). You will hear the story of Jesus’ life, death and what it means for us. The story is presented in a fun, touching, and heart felt way. If you have a neighborhood friend who doesn’t know Jesus – this is a GREAT gift!
Here is a sneak peak at what you can expect:
I also wanted to make sure you saw these {free} coloring sheets that go along Volume 10. There are 17 of them! (just click on the image below)
And just in case you haven’t tried them out yet, here is a great chance to own the entire Old Testament plus Vol 10: The Good News for 20% off! What a better gift to your children than investing in something that is going to plant seeds of of our faith! (click on image below and enter code BUNDLE10
For one lucky winner I have a copy of Volume 1 AND Volume 10 I am giving away courtesy of What’s in the Bible! Just enter the rafflecopter below. NOTE: Giveaway ends in 5 days! I want to get this in your hands BEFORE Easter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Goodl luck! You are going to LOVE this DVD!
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