Have you recently bought an ipad and are wondering what you should load it up with? Or are you looking for some new favorites to add to your collection? Here are 5 of our favorites! (just click on the thumbnail below to see the app in iTunes) I will be continuing this series as we find new favorite apps I think you will like!
PBS KIDS Video is a {free} app! Expect to find your child’s favorite PBS show (Curious George, Word World, Dinosaur Train, Cat in the Hat, and more!) There are mini videos and full episodes that you can watch right on your ipad!
Jib Jab has a great collection of fun books where your child is the star! Although most of them cost, my kids really enjoyed Biggest Pizza Ever which is again, {FREE}. Take a picture of your child & they become the chef who makes the most amusing biggest pizza ever.
Camouflage is a look & find game based in the world of Toy Story 3! My kids call it the I Spy game. You pick one of 4 rooms – Andy's, Butterfly, Bonnie’s or Caterpillar. Then play one of 20 missions per room. This $0.99 game is great fun and helps kids improve their observation skills too!
Here is an app that is just for fun. Sky Burger is a FUN, {FREE} game where you tilt the screen to create burgers to order. The ingredients (patties, lettuce, cheese, onions,etc.) fall from the sky and you need to move the bottom bun to catch only the ingredients in your order. I find myself having fun playing this from time-to-time too!
I’d love to know if you find a new family favorite from my list above! I’ll continue the series as long as I see an interest and have favorites to share =-) If you have a family favorite I haven’t mentioned I’d LOVE to know. If I mention it in a future post I will mention and link to your blog!
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