If you are looking for a way to incorporate kid-favorite Easter Eggs into your learning try this!
Set-up a space like the above picture by choosing:
- Animals your child (3-8 years) knows (make sure they fit in your size Easter eggs)
- Letters each animal starts with,
- Easter Eggs – one for each match.
Have your child grab an animal, the correct starting letter, and put them in matching Easter Eggs.
You can make the activity harder for older children by having them find the last letter, or spelling the word (you will need small letters for this!)
This activity is not only great for learning letter sounds & letters, but also reinforces colors, fine motor skills (closing the eggs) and is a lot of FUN!
At the end of the activity my kids thought it was HILARIOUS to shake the eggs & “crack” them in a bowl.
So what Easter Egg fun are you having this season?
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