I am sure there are many of you that are pros at making cake balls…. but for the few of us who are new to the phenomena I’ll share a how-to as well as two WONDERFUL cake ball recipes!! Cake pops are WONDERFUL!! The reason they are so great is they are perfectly portioned & less messy to cut & eat. PLUS the melted chocolate keeps the cake SUPER moist & crazy delicious!!
Mix up a cake and pour it into a 9x13 pan (use your favorite box or homemade – either way!)
Let your kids lick the beaters (that’s a childhood classic!!)
Bake according to package/recipe directions and allow to cool thoroughly.
In a bowl dump all the cake; add 3/4 can frosting (or 1 cup homemade) and blend thoroughly.
Line cookie sheet with wax or parchment paper. Make balls out of the cake with your hands; I usually make them about the size of a golf ball. Put on lined cookie sheet and insert lollipop stick. Put in the freezer for 30 minutes (you don’t want them to freeze – you just want them solid for dipping purposes)
Melt chocolate like Wilton Candy Melts (or use bark or chocolate). FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!! If you don’t do it at 50% or you put it in to long it starts to caramelize & wont coat properly. So put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at 50% power; stirring every 30 seconds or so.
Dip cake pops in the melted candy. It will harden quickly so make sure to stick eyes or accessories in it quickly if you intend to.
Use a cake pop stand like this one I found at Wal-Mart for $9 or use a block of Styrofoam. The chocolate will harden within a minute and you can add decorations or dip in a second color if you like. TADA!!
Ready for 2 AMAZING recipes!?! I promise they won’t disappoint. They are both DEliCIouS! But my favorite is the Chocolate Chip Cookie one =-)
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