Believe it or not my kids were begging to do ‘preschool’ the week before Christmas. So even though I hadn’t planned anything I whipped something up. . . .

- 4 cups flour
- 1 cup salt
- 1 3/4 cup warm water
- Jar Cinnamon (2.37 oz)
- Mix all ingredients in a mixer. No need to add flour the the counter! Roll & make gingerbread men. Cook at 300 F for 1 hour. Immediately remove from cookie sheet and allow to cool thoroughly before painting or covering in lacquer.
We made Gingerbread Pirates (Captain with toothpick peg leg & hat along with his entire crew)
We also made a Gingerbread men wreath (We pinched the gingerbread men together with a little water, baked in raisin buttons, and painted the Gingerbread men.) It was super easy & turned out so cute!
We did the free Christmas Preschool Pack I had made. The kids did amazingly well & continue to impress me with their developing skills. They especially enjoyed the Roll a Christmas Ornament Shape Game. (FYI: If you used my Christmas Preschool Pack & blogged about it shoot me an email & I’ll link up your blog on the page describing the pack for others to find you & see how you used it.)
And we were so incredibly blessed to be able to play OUTSIDE!! I know we will be sad on Christmas when we don’t have any snow for our annual sled at Grandpa’s house, but we are counting our blessings that we could play outside & have some fun today.
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